Tuesday 4 September 2012

Shaun Tey's Swedish Adventure!

Well… I've been neglecting this blog for quite a while, as I've been preoccupied with the Round 1 project with Roundhouse Radio, which is keeping me occupied until the end of the Paralympics. I thought I’d post some of the packages I've been making and photos I've been taking on the blog.

So, each week on the show we investigate a foreign community and their presence in London.

As part of this series, in Show 9 I investigated the presence Sweden in the Capital. Recording the package sent me on a little Swedish adventure across London.

Here’s the package:

First I found Swedish blogger Stephanie Dellner (who explained that she didn’t have a particularly Swedish accent on account of her moving away from Sweden when she was very young). She has a lovely blog which is full of articles about food, with lots gorgeous photos of both Sweden and the food she has cooked.

Check out her blog: http://www.alwayssohungry.com/

She suggested that I check out the Swedish church near Marble Arch, since it acts as a cultural hub for the Swedish expat community. She also said that I had to sample some cinnamon buns, which seem to epitomise Swedish baking.

Anders is the chaplain of the Swedish church in London. I had a long conversation with him, where he talked about his attraction to England from an early age due to his love of English football. Plus, he told me that loads of Swedes loved London because the people were really friendly and open, which was a sharp contrast to most Swedes who are usually very reserved. So, it appears that there is a nation which is even more quiet and stiff-upper-lipped than us in England!

Sarah was working in the café and gave me two cinnamon buns for the price of one!