Monday 31 October 2011

So let's start

Blogging is something that has always been one of those many things that I thought I should do, though I've never quite gotten around to it. So here's the start.

Sometimes what causes delays is procrastination, but also doubt over whether what we do will be inept, boring and amateurish. Should I use tumblr, word press or blogger? Which blog hosting site would be the best for posting podcasts and all the audio I have?

Well, I have concluded that thought is the enemy - something that hinders rather than propels.

The best way to start this is to write... I will have to accept that what I will produce over the next few months (and possibly years) will be dull, clichéd and possibly unreadable.

There will be typos.... many of them in fact.

I could tell you about myself - however, if you reading this you are most probably one of friends. Me showing you this blog will be a form of bragging on my part and your act of reading it will be an act of charity or an act of curiosity.

So why blog now? Well, increasingly over the last few months my fanciful dream of getting a job in media is staring to looking somewhat more feasible and I have loads of spare time - but I haven't covered any of the basics. How do I set up a blog? How on earth do I enjoy using twitter? How do I record a podcast? Time to stop thinking and start doing.

I have little intention of being thoughtful

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