Friday 24 February 2012

The Penniless Podcaster Masterclass

Amy Redmond on the right
On the weekend I took a course with the lovely Amy Redmond – a Radio 1 producer who is probably the most chirpily vivacious person I’ve ever met. She’s someone whose every other sentence ends with “!”. It really cracked me up the way she said stuff like “tell me about yourself girlfriend!” in class. I wonder if everyone speaks like this at Radio 1. You can check out an article Amy wrote about the class in Clash magazine.

Anyway, so I was doing this ‘Penniless Podcaster Masterclass’ at the Roundhouse, where Amy helped a group of us put together a podcast reporting the happenings at the Roundhouse on Saturday. We covered the ‘Roundhouse Rising’ event, which was a collection of events held over two weeks – including a series of talks focusing on women in music.

Since the class lasted about 4 hours, during which time we went through interview techniques, recording and talked about the joy of radio/podcasts, it was a bit of a frantic rush towards the end - however it was great to hear our final product.

You can hear our podcast on Soundcloud:

I did the interview with Judy and recorded some of the vox-pops towards the end. As one of my mentors at the BBC used to say, you’re supposed get a broad selection of voices for vox-pops, though you can often end up only interviewing attractive members of the opposite sex. There’s definitely a real joy in being in a position to ask strangers questions (particularly the attractive ones!).

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