Monday 21 November 2011

Radio Radio Radio

If any of you didn't know already, I'm currently trying to explore my abilities in radio through a 7 week long Community Reporter scheme with the BBC. It's the only thing that provides this slow autumn season with action and meaning. The whole radio thing sometimes feels like it has come out of nowhere. I've been lifted out of my cosy position as a consumer and thrown into this world of radio creation. The barrier between myself and media world has broken down. Reality is not what it use to be. The disembodied voices that spouted from the speakers have become real people. Walking humans who produce the magical radio sound with their mouths... crazy.

I guess it all started in September 2011 in the Business Class lounge of Aberdeen airport.

It was during my brief foray as a Singaporean Civil Servant. As a marketing 'executive' with Contact Singapore, I'd just spent a gruelling three days an oil exhibition in a job that I had become convinced was as dead-end as it was stressful - as confusing as it was absurd. As someone who managed to fail in his 6-month attempt to acclimatise to Singapore - I returned to London town and worked for an organisation that attempted to draw the citizens of Great Britain to the land that I had just left. But I digress....

Whilst eating a sandwich, drinking a complimentary glass of tonic water and pondering how to leave this job with the minimum amount of guilt and embarrassment - I received a call from a lovely lady from the Big British Castle. It was an offer for an internship with Radio 4. I took it.

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