Sunday 15 January 2012

Radio in Review: Queen Mary Radio Archive - 'Radio Show I Guess'

I’d like to write briefly about a short lived show from the days of “Queen Mary FM” old. I came across it again recently whilst looking for the MP3 of my old show. There were quite a few pilots commissioned by Queen Mary Radio when it was starting off and this was my favourite.

It had everything - anecdotes, humour, fantastic music (mopy US indie and folk pop), plus heaps of personality (the “self-hating Jew” and “self-contradictory Socialist”). So it’s a shame that this two part show is all you’ll get of Natalie and Kyle – a pair of Queen Mary students, who are also a romantic couple. Amongst other things you’ll hear tales of trips to America and Hungary, delivered in a reflective self-doubting tone – which is rather aptly summed up in the title.

Here are first two (and to the best of my knowledge the last two) episodes of “Radio Show I Guess”:

Download Part 1 at:

Download Part 2 at:

Well, I couldn’t just have a big chunk of text, so using my crafty skills of investigative journalism I dug up (what I think) is a photo of the young radio making couple. Judging from one of their facebook profiles, I don’t think they are together anymore. So “I guess” that this radio show, along with the facebook photos swilling around cyberspace, is relic of a relationship that has now passed.

Like a photograph, the radio show has perfectly preserved the dynamic between two people in their youth. A picture is worth a 1000 words, but a radio show captures a whole chapter of the presenters’ lives. It speaks mouthfuls about their musical tastes, their personalities, their emotional bonds and their quirks at a particular moment in time. Perhaps it’s the charming and teasing relationship of the hosts that makes it such wonderful radio – and the fact that it’s a relationship that is now gone makes it rather precious and poignant.

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