Tuesday 3 January 2012

My First Foray Into Radio - ‘Pop in the Dark’ on Queen Mary Radio

This was the first piece of radio I ever did, back when I was a final year student at Queen Mary. I was over the moon when I found out that there was a radio station being set up, so I immediately pounced on the opportunity to embark on the ultimate ego trip... my own radio show.

Me and 'DJ Tang'
Finally there would be justice in the world, as my exquisite musical taste would be given some much needed air time. Of course I would need a sidekick, so I enlisted the help of my trusty friend Jason (aka “DJ Tang”). The show's concept was that DJ Tang would be “in the dark” about my expertly selected tunes. After hearing it, he would deliver some spontaneous witticisms and we would all have a hearty laugh.

He would be the comic relief, while I would be the brains of the operation!

So here is the pilot of ‘Pop in the dark’:

Download it at: https://sites.google.com/site/mp3hostshauntey/pop-in-the-dark-queen-mary-radio-mp3/popinthedark.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1

In case you’re interested, the (unintentionally numerically sequential) track list was:
The new logo

Sixteen by the Indelicates
Thirteen by Big Star
One by Joy Zipper
Millionaire Sweeper by Kenickie

Queen Mary Radio (‘Quest’) never quite got off the ground that year, despite our lengthy planning meetings, not to mention all the work that went into constructing the new studio (and coming up with that god-awfully camp name).

However, not all was lost, since some bright young things in 2011 managed to revamp the station and relaunch it with a brand spanking new logo.

It’s awesome; they’ve got regular shows and everything. Makes me want to go back to Queen Mary! Check it out at http://www.questradio.co.uk/

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